My First Post! 👋

Hello, World!

This Hugo stuff is pretty cool. My first trying it out. Everything is seemless. The theme setup, configs, content creation, everything ready in no time. I’m loving it.

Who am I?

Hey, Josh here. I am a Junior Web Developer, Tokyo based, working as a Software Engineer In Test. First started working as a Manual Tester right after graduating University. I got my ISTQB Foundation level certification by the time I marked my half-year. I got my introdution into programming from self-studying Java with Selenium Test Framework through Rahul Shetty Udemy courses.

I switched companies(my current one) and got my first job as a Test Automation Engineer at Bitkey Inc. Writing a ton of unit, component, integration and e2e tests, I am in charge of everything about Test Automation in my company.

I do mentoring teams about Test Automation, doing WebDev stuff like developing tooling and APIs in React/Typescrips and DevOps stuff like workflows for CI/CD and Test as well.

Love making fullstack Web Apps my UI/UX Designer wife designs in my personal time and having discussions and small contributions in the OSS community.

What is this blog for?

I intend to make most blog posts to be a personal technical 備忘録 or memorandum. I hope writing all of this in a public platform would be a way to share my knowledge to everyone who get a read and maybe even make friends along the way!

Cheers, Joshua Kawamata